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Dr. Ming-Luen Jeng


I started my appointment as an assistant curator with the Zoology Department at NMNS in June 2009. I am also the collections manager of the Entomology Division. Together with colleagues we are responsible for maintaining and curating about 1 million specimens of insects in our current collections. Besides managing daily activities of the insect collections, I am the primary contact for researchers who wish to study our pinned specimen collections.

2008 博士 美國堪薩斯大學 生態暨演化生物學系
         PhD Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas
1994 碩士 台灣大學 植物病蟲害所昆蟲組
         M.S. Plant Pathology and Entomology, Entomology track
1987 學士 台灣大學 植物病蟲害所昆蟲組
         B.S. Plant Pathology and Entomology, Entomology track

學經歷 | Education

研究計畫 |Research Projects




2009~2011。墾丁國家公園螢火蟲資源調查與應用(I、II) (與陳燦榮先生共同主持)



2011-2013. Systematic and Taxonomic Study on the Fireflies of Cyphonocerinae and Ototretine-Ototretadriline Complex (Insecta: Coleoptera: Lampyridae)[NSC100-2313-B-178-002-MY2]

2011~2012. Survey on the firefly resource of Siraya National Scenic Area and its application (co-PIed with Mr. Tsan-Rong Chen)

2009~2011. Survey on the firefly resource of Kenting National Park and its application (I, II) (co-PIed with Mr. Tsan-Rong Chen)

2010~2012. Taiwan e-Learning & Digital Archives Program (TELDAP): databasing biodiversity of insects in Taiwan (co-PIed with Dr. Mei-Ling Chan)

2008~2012. TELDAP: E-type project on the type specimens of Taiwan's insects in foreign collections (co-PIed with Dr. Mei-Ling Chan)

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